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A Wonderful Life in Nanjing

Vongsoupha Phetthavisup (Laos)

Nothing is more gratifying to know that, whenever you need someone to talk to, there is always one there; wherever you want to go, you can always find a way there.

I want to share with you the story about me in Nanjing, a city I am destined to meet.

My name is Vongsoupha Phetthavisup. I was born in Laos, and grew up in Savannakhet until I was 19 years old.

In 2013, I flewto 台北除毛pttNanjing to begin my freshman year. This was also a new start ofmy life.

I am majoring in business administration in college. I started to learn Chinese when I was a kid, which has greatly helped me get used to the life and study here. Although it is kind of difficult for me to follow specialized courses, I am a person who is always ready to take challenges. I learn courses that are hard to understand. I take exams that are not easy to pass. I try to get skills that are required to master. I face whatever is in front of me. In Nanjing, I live in the same way as I usually do. As is written in The little Prince: "It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important," and so is Nanjing to me.

I have made loads of friends since I came here, and I have never felt so grateful for this. They are the most precious assets I have had in recent years. We do all kinds of sports together, playing badminton, football, and basketball, doing part-time as practice partners, and so on. Sports is magical, just as Pierre de Coubertin predicted. It is sports that makes all this happen. In the modern history of China, the famous ping-pong diplomacy has played a vital role in the US-China relations. In my case, I make friends through badminton, football, and basketball.

I am also fortunate to find my love here. I believe she is the one for me. She has been here waiting for me a century long. Oh, Nanjing! I want to say thank you for encouraging and raising my beloved one, giving her an elegant look and a kind heart. Now, here I come, and here she is. Oh, Nanjing! How I wish I could do something for you! Can you see my love for you in my eyes? Can you feel it in my heart? Words are far from enough to express how much I love you.

It is said a man should "go and strive" in as many places as he can. I prefer "wander," however. Now I am striving for the best of my own in Nanjing. As I grew up somewhere geographically between the equator and China, it is only after I came here that I truly enjoy the fascination of the climate. The breeze, the drizzle, the sunshine, and even 皮秒雷射推薦the cold winter is so pleasing. Although seeing rainbows here is not as often as in Savannakhet, Nanjing is uniquely exquisite and graceful. They are incomparable, but both are fascinating. Nanjing held a particular sense of poetry and beauty both in the landscape and in articles written about it. The people raised here are affectionate, as holy as the Plumeria rubra, and with all the noble virtues.

I am here in Nanjing, enjoying every sunrise and sunset, looking forward to every brand new day, and going for my favorite movies, songs, and food. I love living a life of my own in the city.

What a wonderful life in Nanjing!

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